
Mad Scientist Audio designs and manufactures unique audio products.

We will be closed for vacation 19-Feb until 10-Mar

Mad Scientist Audio designs and manufactures unique audio products.

All of our products are hand made in New Zealand, using materials and techniques we developed in-house.

You can buy with confidence as we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all our products.

We currently have a manufacturing lead time of

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New Products

New Products

NEW : Mad Scientist Prime USB Cable

New: Black Magic Speaker Cables

The Prime design scheme uses prime numbers to build a highly non-resonant “bad antenna” structure. This produces a cable that is less noisy and interferes less with the rest of the system. The result is extreme musicality and transparency.

From review in HiFi Advice : Click Here to read full review

The Prime USB cable’s virtues are balanced beautifully, leading to a performance that is thoroughly involving, expressive, and lifelike. I wondered what yet another USB cable could possibly bring, but I have to hand it to the Mad Scientist, for he has once again delivered!

The Prime USB is now my favorite USB cable!

NEW Black Magic ULTRA Speaker Cables

New: Black Magic Speaker Cables

In 2021 we released our original Black Magic Speaker Cables to much acclaim. This was due to a number of unique design features and techniques that made them sound just awesome.

We’ve improved and refined these techniques and the result is the Ultra Speaker cable.

From Hi-Fi Advice reviewThe bass still pressurizes the room more than any other cable I have heard, but instead of some of the “extra ballsiness” of the regular Black Magic cable, the Black Magic Ultra cable now offers a newfound level of fluidity and refinement while the treble is also opener and airier

Black Magic Speaker Cables

New: Black Magic Speaker Cables

Black Magic Speaker Cables are a completely new design that embodies symmetry and balance.

From Hi-Fi Advice Review: I am much impressed with these cables and if you ask me, the Mad Scientist has really outdone himself. They provide a sound that seems to have been lost in so many other brands. These days, cables seem to be all about being more and more polished and refined, to the point that the musical message gets glossed over and the raw energy is lost. The Black Magic cables may be highly accurate and superbly neutral, but they do not sound damped or over-controlled in any way. Rather, they fully conduce the full extent of the lyrical and “singing” qualities of every recording

Black Magic ULTRA and GOLD USB Cables

New: Black Magic Speaker Cables

After 4 years, we are pleased to announce an update to our best-selling Black Magic USB cable : Black Magic ULTRA and GOLD

From Hi-Fi Advice Review:The Black Magic Gold is sweeter, more liquid, and more refined, making for a sound that is robust and has great tonal beauty but is also fluid, accommodating, and easy to listen to..”

The GOLD version uses silver/gold alloy wires and next-level mechanical damping to give a super high-end cable.

Black Magic ULTRA and GOLD Interconnects

NEW: Black Magic and Black Magic ULTRA Interconnects

Our new Black Magic ULTRA interconnects use some of the technology from the speaker cables to produce a true high-end performance in terms of resolution and musicality.

The GOLD version takes this to extreme, using selected silver/gold alloy wire and next-level mechanical damping.

From Hi-Fi Advice Review:The first sonic trait that strikes me when hearing the Black Magic Gold Interconnect is its tonal purity. The cable sounds remarkably robust, sonorous, full-bodied, and very crisply textured

Black Magic Network (Ethernet) Cable — Regular and ULTRA versions

Black Magic Network (Ethernet) Cable

The Mad Scientist is pleased to introduce new Black Magic Network Cable designed for connecting music PCs, streamers etc to your network.

Black Magic Network Cable will have a similar magnitude improvement as the Black Magic USB cable (I can hear the so-called “objectivists” chortling “yeah right – none”). But these folks can’t explain why I can pick these cables blind with a bucket over my head..

The ULTRA version adds stage 2 screening, borrowed from our USB cable.